Saturday, June 5, 2010

Never Give Up... I Almost Did.

It's been about 12 days since my last update. Been busy with work, getting ready to start classes at my new school, and did a lot of vacationing. With such a busy 2 weeks, I slipped away from my morning/afternoon workouts and got lazy like no other. My eating habits weren't too bad but I've could've stayed away from the McDonalds chicken nuggets and the easily accessible Coke. This week after work, I found myself tired, sluggish, regretful for not continuing to take care of myself and not in the best of moods. I couldn't get any motivation to get off the couch and forseriously almost gave up on trying to lose this weight... Until I read this article and found motivation all over again: . I started to understand that it's okay to mess up and I should just pick up from where I left off. So at 8:30 this morning, I got up, ate my cereal and hauled ass to the gym and told myself to just workout for 5 minutes and see how I felt. Got on the treadmill and 5 minutes turned into 30 minutes! After that, I worked on the exercise machines for 20 minutes and did a mile on the elliptical. I ain't gonna lie, after today's workout that crap hurt but my mindset was in a MUCH better place than where it was yesterday. Here are some tips from the article that helped me out, maybe it'll help you as well:

1. Try a short workout. Even five minutes is better than nothing.

4. Drink your water. Try to aim for 8 cups each day and you’ll feel the difference!

9. Exercise for 10 minutes. Jump rope, march in place, or do some crunches. Small amounts do add up to something big!

13. Go shopping for some healthy foods

19. Listen to an inspirational song. Better yet, make a playlist of them so you can turn to it whenever you need a boost. (I listen to a LOT of rock and rap so a mix of both definitely help!)

Just because you fall off the wagon for a bit doesn't mean all is lost. Just stand up and finish what you started!

Jam of the day, week, summer! I heard this in Atlanta last weekend:

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